Return-to-Work Mask Policies & Open Enrollment 2021- HR Brief – September 2021

Return-to-Work Mask Policies & Open Enrollment 2021- HR Brief - September 2021In the September 2021 HR Brief, we cover:

  1. Updated CDC Guidance on Mask-wearing
    • The CDC’s updated guidance now recommends that fully vaccinated individuals wear masks in public indoor settings when in areas with high or substantial transmission of COVID-19..
    • Employers should note that these guidelines from the CDC are recommendations and are not legally binding.
  2. COVID-19 and Open Enrollment 2021
    • As employees juggled their personal responsibilities in front of their managers and colleagues, many employers adjusted benefits plans to accommodate this new pandemic reality.
    • The most common benefits changes during the pandemic, driven by employee desires, include the following:
      • Increased access to mental health benefits
      • Flexibility for child care and elder care
      • Changes in vacation and paid-time-off policies

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